
Shy Girl Red Flower

You may think this is a weird question, but…

Have you ever had a spiritual experience?

Did you hesitate to tell anyone? Were you worried what people would think if they knew?

If you can relate, I just want to say…. Normal!…to all of it.

Our society has become super-focused on rationality to the point of denying and suppressing our normal spiritual dimension.

But a groundswell of resistance is building to once again make spiritual exploration and experiences part of the recognized norm of life throughout society. (I.e., not just in select religious communities.)

I want to be part of that groundswell by publishing my stories and stories of people close to me that fit into the growing genre of spiritual memoir.

What’s interesting to me is that spiritual memoir isn’t just about writing stories for an audience. Spiritual life writing is actually a journey of self-discovery. And self-discovery is at least enlightening, if not downright fun!

My goal is to help you, dear reader, see just how normal your spiritual experiences are. And, to help you find the courage to write and share your own stories. And, to show you ways to discover and develop your personal relationship with God (or whatever name you use for the divine).

Personally, I have been having spiritual experiences, or spiritually related experiences, for pretty much my entire life. And I’ve been dancing around this writing thing since 2009. But I’m only now ready to put it all together and to share my stories beyond the safe circle of close friends and family.

My Four Wishes for You

  • May you find meaning in the words it took me so long to find.

  • May you come to see your own experiences as normal.
  • May you gain the courage to share unspoken tales of your own.
  • May you accept the invitation to deepen your relationship with the divine.

Where to Next?

Learn more about me here.

Read family stories (and grab some recipes) here.

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